Mark founded Sedona Mystical Tours in 1993 after experiencing its magical and transformative effects upon not just him, but those who live here and those that visit. He began his life’s journey growing up in the Midwest. Then entered the navy and became a nuclear engineer. Upon his discharge, he met his life mentor Harold who was a mixture of magician, shaman, healer and mystic. They both arrived in Sedona from California, and had an immediate impact with the community. Many people who have lived or visited Sedona will recall them as Harold and Mark, considered a team by most.
Mark learned much from observing rather than direct instruction from Harold. They conducted many public ceremonies over the years, and counseled thousands during their practice with Sedona Mystical Tours.
In 2005, Mark was diagnosed with renal cancer and chose to have a surgical procedure for its removal. It ended up being a 4-pound tumor of a very aggressive form of cancer, which caused him to lose one kidney. His recovery was demanding and lengthy, but he is now completely free of that disease. Mark knows well the pain of a health crisis and the power of not just surviving it but using the experience of healing to thrive with compassion for others facing theirs.
At the end of 2010 Harold eventually passed. Mark continued on with the company and recreated a new approach for himself and the services he offered. Mark has deeply experienced what is required to overcome both personal health crisis and the bereavement of a lifelong associate.
This makes him a deeply compassionate healer for the needs of his customers and friends. He can provide astrological insights, guided meditations, energetic healing methods, while combining a variety of Shamanic power and healing tools including Reiki.