Speak these affirmations to yourself:

Having a clear conscience makes me feel light and frees me of any emotional burden. I am open about my feelings as a way of being fair to myself.

Sharing how I feel about someone is good practice. It shows that I am sincere and makes my motives clear. Other people deserve my honesty. Maintaining openness in relationships gives the relationship a good chance of survival.

When someone does something that hurts me, I make my feelings known. It is up to me to be direct and up to them to apologize.

Being able to resolve issues with others allows me to move past tough situations. I play an active role in conflict resolution by speaking with sincerity. It is the respectful thing to do, so the other person sees where I am coming from.

Speaking up is the only way for someone to know what I am thinking or feeling. I give people the clarity that they require by being forthcoming.

I tell my friends when I am proud of their achievements. I know that reassuring them of their greatness inspires them to have courage in the future. Being a good friend means telling the truth in all cases.

Even when my opinion is unfavorable, I still share it. When someone’s well-being matters to me, I am direct in my approach to them.

Today, it is a freeing experience to be able to speak directly from my heart. My resolve is to be true to myself first and then be true to others. I live in authenticity because I owe it to myself and others to be an upstanding person.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  • How do I know which approach to take when sharing my feelings?
  • In which cases am I hesitant to tell someone how I feel?
  • How do I respond when someone takes offense to what I express?

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